Atlanta gas light natural gas bill
Atlanta Gas Light (AGL) is the owner and operator of the pipelines that supply natural gas to homes and businesses in Georgia. It is a state-regulated utility company and one of the few remaining natural gas wholesalers. AGL’s wholesale division, AGL Services (AGLS) is also a distributor.
Your georgia gas bill from AGL includes a list of charges you might see on your bill which are AGL’s expenses for maintaining the gas pipelines and storage facilities, as well as the reading of the meter each month. They’re called AGL Pass-Through Charges or Base Charges and are required to be passed to you regardless of which Georgia natural gas marketer you select to use for your gas supply.
DDDC factor
AGL calculates the DDDC Factor (or Dedicated Design Day Capacity) to ensure there enough natural gas available to meet your needs during the coldest times of the year. Each year, AGL reviews how much gas you normally use during the colder months and calculates how much they’ll reserve for you. This calculation is based on your past usage and the demand for colder days in your area.
Senior discount application
Senior citizens over 65 may get a discount on their natural gas bills. To receive the discount, complete the Senior Discount Application and send it in. For customers on Fixed Price or Variable plans, the discount is applied to your AGL Basis Charge line item on your bill. It also applies to your Flat Bill Charge for customers on our Guaranteed Bill plan.